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House of the Dragon (HOTD)

Created 19 days ago
Bonding Curve Completed Not Yet
Time Type Value Amount Mkt. Cap Trader
14 days ago Sell $382.30
2.980198019 SOL 90.95M HOTD
14 days ago Buy $125.47
0.980198019 SOL 28.1M HOTD
14 days ago Buy $255.71
2.000000001 SOL 62.85M HOTD
16 days ago Sell $0.49
0.003688642 SOL 123.4K HOTD
18 days ago Sell $0.14
0.001068453 SOL 35.73K HOTD
18 days ago Sell $7.64
0.056969617 SOL 1.902M HOTD
18 days ago Sell $48.34
0.361278385 SOL 11.9M HOTD
18 days ago Sell $25.02
0.186161792 SOL 6.025M HOTD
18 days ago Sell $0.41
0.003108267 SOL 100K HOTD
18 days ago Sell $169.18
1.262371081 SOL 39.05M HOTD
18 days ago Sell $60.75
0.45404983 SOL 13.32M HOTD
18 days ago Sell $432.91
3.233590826 SOL 85.32M HOTD
18 days ago Sell $317.18
2.37084351 SOL 53.55M HOTD
18 days ago Sell $928.80
6.939909211 SOL 125M HOTD
18 days ago Sell $165.63
1.234711243 SOL 18.38M HOTD
18 days ago Sell $0.92
0.006900971 SOL 100K HOTD
18 days ago Sell $0.92
0.006902993 SOL 100K HOTD
19 days ago Sell $31.96
0.232722833 SOL 3.354M HOTD
19 days ago Sell $65.49
0.479509332 SOL 6.808M HOTD
19 days ago Sell $139.59
1.016977492 SOL 14M HOTD
19 days ago Buy $68.60
0.5 SOL 6.808M HOTD
19 days ago Sell $149.03
1.085969122 SOL 14.61M HOTD
19 days ago Sell $465.08
3.415597198 SOL 42.05M HOTD
19 days ago Sell $67.35
0.4995 SOL 5.698M HOTD