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Out Of The Box Cats (OOTD)

Created 14 days ago
Bonding Curve Completed Not Yet
Time Type Value Amount Mkt. Cap Trader
14 days ago Sell $24.97
0.1779033 SOL 6.323M OOTD
14 days ago Sell $0.66
0.004687979 SOL 165.6K OOTD
14 days ago Sell $39.63
0.28075833 SOL 9.826M OOTD
14 days ago Sell $68.15
0.482862538 SOL 16.48M OOTD
14 days ago Sell $150.40
1.065543581 SOL 34.61M OOTD
14 days ago Sell $133.34
0.944273021 SOL 28.8M OOTD
14 days ago Sell $122.96
0.870692075 SOL 25.13M OOTD
14 days ago Sell $4.70
0.033261273 SOL 934.5K OOTD
14 days ago Buy $2.37
0.016828424 SOL 472.6K OOTD
14 days ago Buy $2.37
0.016828424 SOL 473.1K OOTD
14 days ago Sell $2.34
0.016631318 SOL 467.5K OOTD
14 days ago Buy $1.18
0.008414606 SOL 236.5K OOTD
14 days ago Buy $1.18
0.008414606 SOL 236.6K OOTD
14 days ago Sell $7.27
0.051557578 SOL 1.448M OOTD
14 days ago Buy $2.37
0.016828425 SOL 472.1K OOTD
14 days ago Sell $133.13
0.940378572 SOL 25.68M OOTD
14 days ago Sell $6.12
0.043314184 SOL 1.149M OOTD
14 days ago Sell $13.41
0.09485162 SOL 2.507M OOTD
14 days ago Sell $97.37
0.688922216 SOL 17.81M OOTD
14 days ago Buy $2.96
0.021 SOL 532.7K OOTD
14 days ago Buy $2.96
0.021 SOL 533.3K OOTD
14 days ago Buy $2.96
0.021 SOL 534K OOTD
14 days ago Buy $2.37
0.0168285 SOL 428.3K OOTD
14 days ago Buy $2.96
0.020974132 SOL 534.4K OOTD